How Does Journaling Help With The Grieving Process?

How Does Journaling Help With The Grieving Process

Journaling is a form of self-expression that can be used to cope with the difficult emotions associated with bereavement and grief. Writing down thoughts, feelings, experiences, and painful memories can help process the intense emotions that often accompany loss. How does journaling help with the grieving process? In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of journaling during grief and how to make use of this form of self-expression.


How does journaling help with the grieving process?

Here is how journaling help with the grieving process:

Writing can help articulate emotions

Grief journaling helps turn difficult feelings into words that are clear and understandable, which can be a powerful way to make sense of a painful psychological and physical burden.


Helps with understanding the loss

Writing about a person or thing that has been lost can help bring clarity to the situation, allowing us to move forward in our grief.


Allows for connection to the deceased

Writing can help us feel connected to those who have passed away, helping us remember the good times and memorialize them in our writing.


Expressing gratitude

Through journaling, we can focus on all of the positive aspects of a relationship that may have been overlooked during difficult times. It can be a powerful way to express gratitude for the time shared and the love received.


Creating a personal self-narrative

Writing down thoughts and feelings in a journal is an effective way to organize them into a narrative that can help make sense of experiences. It also gives us control over how we tell our story, allowing us to take ownership of it rather than feeling powerless or overwhelmed by it.


Addressing unresolved issues

Journal writing has therapeutic value and can be a way to confront and address unresolved issues, helping us move forward in our healing process and gain physical health benefits.

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Releasing negative feelings

Journaling can give us an outlet to release anger and sadness without fear of judgment or retaliation, allowing us to safely express these emotions in a constructive manner.


Taking comfort in the present

Writing can help us focus on what we have now and how we can move forward, rather than dwelling on our regrets or losses.


Celebrating memories

Journaling is a way to celebrate the life of those who are no longer with us, allowing us to look back on fond memories and moments shared.


Reaching out for support

Writing can help us recognize when we need additional support, allowing us to find the people and resources that can best assist us in our grief journey.


How to make use of a grief journal?

Writing regularly

Making time for regular journaling can help make it a habit that will facilitate the grief process and help you in writing perfectly.


Include memories, feelings and thoughts

Journaling is most beneficial when all aspects of an experience are included, such as memories, feelings, and thoughts.


Be honest

Writing down our deepest thoughts and feelings with only a pen and paper, without judgment or fear of repercussions can be a great way to make sense of emotions and find peace.


Revisiting the journal

Looking back at prior writings regularly can help us recognize patterns in our grief journey and learn from them.


Writing letters

Writing letters to those we have lost can be helpful, allowing us to express thoughts and feelings that may not have been said while they were alive.


Writing affirmations

Affirmations can be a helpful way to soothe and heal our minds, allowing us to focus on the present and move forward.


Keeping it private

Journals should be kept private and secure, as sharing them with others without permission could lead to further pain or trauma.

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Seek professional advice

If journaling is triggering difficult emotions, it may be helpful to seek out a mental health professional for guidance and support.


Consider using other forms of expression

Journaling is not the only way to cope with grief; consider other forms of self-expression such as art, music, grief podcast, or exercise.




35 journaling prompts for grief

  1. Describe how you are feeling right now.
  2. What is one thing that makes it hard for you to move forward?
  3. What are some of the most meaningful grief-related memories you have of the person/thing you lost?
  4. How has your day-to-day life changed since they passed away?
  5. What emotions surface when you think of them?
  6. What do you miss most about them?
  7. Describe a day that you spent with the person/thing before they passed away
  8. How have your relationships changed since the loss?
  9. What are your biggest fears when it comes to grief and healing?
  10. Is there something you wish you had said or done before they passed away?
  11. What are some of the unexpected gifts you have received since the loss?
  12. What are your hopes for the future?
  13. How did their passing impact your faith and spirituality?
  14. In what ways do you still feel connected to them?
  15. Describe a moment in which you felt at peace with the loss.
  16. What are some practical ways that have helped you cope?
  17. Describe a time when your memories of the person/thing made you feel happy.
  18. In what ways have you been able to honor their memory?
  19. How has your perspective changed since their passing?
  20. What do you think they would want for you now?
  21. How can you use this experience to help others who are grieving?
  22. What has been the most difficult part of the grieving process?
  23. Describe a moment in which you felt overwhelmed by sadness or anger
  24. What have been your biggest accomplishments since the loss?
  25. What would you like to say to your loved one now?
  26. How have others helped you in this process?
  27. In what ways has grief changed the way that you live your life now?
  28. Describe a moment in which joy and sorrow were both present
  29. What are some of the ways that you have found healing?
  30. How has your faith guided and supported you in this process?
  31. What have been some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned since the loss?
  32. In what ways have you improved your mental health after the loss?
  33. What are some of the things that still make you smile when thinking about them?
  34. Write one thing you can do to improve your emotional health after loss.
  35. How has journaling helped you heal and manage grief?
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Bottom Line

Journaling can be a powerful tool in helping to process grief. It allows us to confront and release negative emotions, take comfort in the present, remember cherished memories, and reach out for support when needed. 

It is important to create an environment that feels safe and secure so that we can honestly record our thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or repercussions. 

With practice and consistency, journaling can be a great way to express emotions, make sense of experiences, and work through the healing process.



  • Ben

    I'm Ben, a data engineer who adores journaling. My passion for recording life experiences inspired me to develop Otto's Journal, an online diary app. Join me as I blend data and storytelling in the ever-changing tech world, making journaling more accessible and exciting.

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