55 CBT Journal Prompts


CBT journaling is an extremely effective tool for improving mental health and helping cope with challenging emotions. With regular CBT journaling, you identify patterns of cognitivity, better understand how your thoughts and feelings affect each other, and develop healthier coping strategies. In this article, I will share with you 55 CBT journal prompts to help get you started on your CBT journey.


How to Setup CBT Journal


Set a regular journaling time

To make CBT journaling part of your daily routine, establish a consistent time each day that you can dedicate to reflecting on your thoughts and feelings.


Choose a quiet spot

Find a comfortable place where you will be free from distractions and can focus solely on yourself.


Gather your supplies

Have a pen and journal ready to make it easier to jot down your thoughts.


Reflect on current events

Think about what is happening in your life right now that could be influencing your emotional and cognitive states.


Write down your worries

Identify what challenges you are facing, the thoughts they trigger, how they have been affecting your mood and any troubling behaviors they have caused.


Examine the evidence

After noting down what you are worried about, review all of the evidence available to help you decide if your worries are justified or irrational.


Consider alternative perspectives

Take a step back and look at the situation from another point of view, this can help you gain a better understanding of the issue and how it’s affecting you.


Identify potential solutions

Once you have established what is really happening, generate possible solutions that could help alleviate your worries and improve your mental health.


Implement the plan

Put the plan into action to start addressing the issue in a healthier and more productive way.




55 CBT Journal Prompts


Now that you have set up your CBT journaling routine, here are 55 prompts to help get you started.

1. What beliefs and values drive my actions?

2. How do I usually react when I feel overwhelmed or stressed?

3. What exactly am I afraid of in this situation?


4. What emotions am I experiencing right now?

5. How do I typically respond to criticism?

6. What assumptions am I making about myself or the situation?

Related Post:  101 Prompts For Narrative Writing


7. Is there a more positive way of thinking about this situation?

8. Do my beliefs reflect reality in this circumstance?

9. How can I challenge my negative beliefs and thought patterns?

10. What would be the worst outcome that could happen in this situation?


11. Am I making decisions based on fear or logic?

12. How can I better manage my emotions?

13. What actions can help me reach my goals?

14. Are there any opportunities for growth in this situation?


15. What positive things have I achieved today/this week/month?

16. How am I feeling before and after engaging with certain activities or people?

17. Is there a healthier way to express my feelings about this issue?

18. What do I need to be more mindful of in order to make better decisions about my mental health?


19. How can I practice self-care and self-compassion and kindness to myself?

20. What strategies help me stay focused on the present moment?

21. Are there any unhealthy coping mechanisms that I need to replace with healthier alternatives?

22. What are some positive affirmations I can remind myself of when feeling down or anxious?


23. In what ways have I grown since facing this issue/challenge?

24. What advice would I give a friend in a similar situation as mine?

25. Are my expectations of myself realistic and healthy?

26. How can I better recognize signs of burnout or overwhelm before they become too difficult to manage?


27. What are the benefits of making changes to my thought patterns or behaviors?

28. What have I learned about myself today?

29. Are there any unhealthy beliefs and values that I need to challenge?

30. How can I practice acceptance and letting go of perfectionism?


31. What obstacles am I facing in reaching my goals?

32. How can I use this situation as an opportunity for growth and learning?

33. What is the most important thing that I need right now?

34. Am I putting too much pressure on myself to be perfect or successful in every aspect of my life?


35. How do my thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence each other?

36. What can I do to reduce my stress levels?

37. Is there anything that I am avoiding or denying in this situation?

Related Post:  35 Joy Journal Ideas To Help You Stay Happy And Grateful

38. How can I use positive self-talk and affirmations to help me stay motivated?


39. Are there any unhealthy thought patterns that need to be changed or addressed?

40. What are some healthy distractions or activities that can help alleviate my worries?

41. How is my mindset affecting the way I am perceiving this situation?

42. Am I setting realistic goals for myself?


43. Are there any areas of my life where I need to focus more on taking care of myself?

44. How have I been able to handle difficult situations in the past?

45. What are some positive changes that I can make to improve my mental health?

46. What strategies can help me stay calm and reduce stress during difficult times?

47. How do I want to feel after engaging in this task or activity?


48. Are there any fears that I need to confront and address?

49. What is one thing that I am grateful for today/this week/month?

50. Am I giving myself enough time and space to process my thoughts and feelings?

51. Is there anything about this situation that I can control or change for the better?


52. How can I be kinder to myself when feeling frustrated or overwhelmed?

53. Are there any helpful resources that I can rely on for support when needed?

54. What are some ways I can help bring my anxiety symptoms?

55. What are your relaxation techniques to use in difficult times?


How to Organize CBT Journal


Set a Schedule

Choose a frequency that works for you, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly and stick to it.


Designate a Space

Find an area of your home where you can go and work on your CBT journaling in peace and quiet without distraction.


Gather Supplies

Stock up on the supplies you will need for your journaling routines, such as pens, paper, highlighters, and notebooks.


Break Down Your Goals

Identify what outcomes you hope to achieve from doing CBT journaling and how long it should take you to reach them.


Establish Priorities

Decide which tasks to focus on first and how much time you can realistically dedicate to each one.


Create a System

Develop a system for organizing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a way that works best for you.

Related Post:  101 Journal Prompts for Stress Relief


Track Your Progress

Keep track of your progress over time so you can look back at the areas where you improved and those where you still need to work on. This will help keep you motivated and accountable.


Tips for Using CBT Journaling Prompts Successfully


Start Small

Begin with simple prompts that you are comfortable with and gradually increase the difficulty level over time.


Take Breaks

Make sure to take breaks when needed in order to prevent burnout or fatigue.


Get Creative

Use different writing techniques such as lists, mind-mapping, freewriting, and brainstorming to help you explore your thoughts and feelings more deeply.


Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions while journaling; this can help you uncover new insights about yourself and your experiences.


Reflect & Analyze

Spend some time reflecting on what you wrote down after each session and consider how it relates to your goals and current circumstances.


Learn From Mistakes

It’s okay to make mistakes along the way; use them as learning opportunities for personal growth.


Seek Support

Reach out to a trusted friend or professional licensed therapist if you are having difficulty understanding or managing your emotions while journaling. They may be able to provide valuable guidance and insight.


Bottom Line

Cognitive behavioral therapy journaling practice is a powerful and effective way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

It can help you gain clarity and insight into the causes of negative emotions so that you can take constructive action toward self-improvement and self-awareness.

When used consistently, CBT journaling can challenge negative thought patterns and help with improved mental health and well-being.

Make sure to set realistic goals for yourself, take breaks when needed, and seek support if necessary.

With these tips in mind, you can make the most out of CBT journaling for greater personal growth.



  • Ben

    I'm Ben, a data engineer who adores journaling. My passion for recording life experiences inspired me to develop Otto's Journal, an online diary app. Join me as I blend data and storytelling in the ever-changing tech world, making journaling more accessible and exciting.

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