How To Start Spiritual Journaling

Spiritual Journaling


One of the best ways to grow and self-reflection is through journaling. Not just any kind of journalling though; we’re talking about spiritual journaling! Whether you’ve been doing it for years or are new to this practice, sometimes guidance can be hard to come by. In this blog post, we will talk about what spiritual journaling is, how to start, sample prompts, and bullet key symbols to help you get started. we will also discuss the benefits of starting a spiritual journal.


What is Spiritual Journaling?

Spiritual journaling is a practice that helps people to grow in their spiritual journey towards spiritual growth. It allows us to reflect on our experiences and document them for further personal growth.

Through spiritual journaling, we can uncover our authentic selves, gain clarity on difficult issues, and explore deeper aspects of our faith or spirituality.


What is in a spiritual journal?

In a spiritual journal, you’ll typically find reflections on your personal faith journey and experiences. This journal often contains thoughts, prayers, and insights related to your spirituality. 


It’s a place to explore your connection with the divine and document any messages you may receive from your “still small voice.” 

Recording your feelings and experiences can help you gain clarity and find meaning in your faith. Your spiritual journal can be a key part of your personal growth and relationship with the divine.


What to write in a spiritual journal?

When writing in a spiritual journal, you can include your prayers, gratitude for blessings, insights from religious texts or sermons, and personal reflections on your faith journey. 


Write about your daily activities and how your spirituality influences them. It’s a space to explore your relationship with the divine and document your encounters with the “still small voice,” which offers guidance and inspiration. 

Adding page numbers can help you easily find and revisit significant entries, reinforcing the sense of continuity in your spiritual growth.


Purpose of spiritual journaling

Spiritual journaling has many benefits. Here are the benefits of journaling for spiritual purposes:

Boosts gratitude

Several spiritual traditions place a significant emphasis on gratitude, and journaling can help you develop this attitude in your life.

You can increase your appreciation for the blessings in your life by writing down everything you are grateful for. By keeping your attention on the good, you can develop a stronger sense of inner calm and feel more connected to a higher force.

Increases mindfulness

A key element of many spiritual practices, mindfulness training can be accomplished through journaling.

You can improve your connection to a higher power and develop your spiritual practice by concentrating on the here and now and becoming more conscious of your thoughts and feelings. You may train your mind to be more present and find more inner peace by regularly journaling.

Increases self-discovery

Self-awareness and self compassion are essential for both personal and spiritual development, and writing can aid in increasing your self-awareness of your use, aspirations, and beliefs.

You can gain a deeper understanding of your concerns and inclinations as well as a sense of inner knowledge by taking time to think about your thoughts and feelings.

Your ability to better connect with a higher power and have a more fulfilling spiritual life can be aided by this self-awareness.

Offers a place for spiritual inquiry

A secure and private environment (no need to share with your best friend) to examine your spiritual ideas, issues, and experiences can be found in your journal.

You may be able to better comprehend and incorporate your spirituality into your daily life as a result.

You can deepen your connection to a higher power and learn more about yourself by thinking back on your spiritual journey and gaining a beginning understanding of the meaning and purpose of life.

Helps with forgiving

Several spiritual traditions place a strong emphasis on forgiveness, and writing may be a highly effective means of encouraging forgiveness and compassion.

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You can increase your capacity for forgiving yourself and others by thinking back on your transgressions and inadequacies.

Your sense of spirituality and inner peace can deepen as a result of this emphasis on forgiveness and compassion.

Promotes inner peace

By providing a safe space to process difficult emotions, journaling can promote inner peace and well-being, allowing you to better connect with a higher power and experience a sense of spiritual fulfillment.

Research shows that journaling every day improves self-love and helps to build a deeper level of connection with different aspects of yourself.

This can lead to inner peace and a greater sense of spiritual awareness.

Builds a sense of community

Sharing your spiritual journal with a trusted friend or mentor can help to build a sense of community and connection with others who share your spiritual journey.

Improves mental health

Regular journaling can also improve your mental health in numerous ways. You may discover that taking time to record thoughts and feelings can have a positive impact on your overall sense of well-being, leading to improved clarity, focus, and concentration.

You may also find yourself feeling more relaxed and energized after journaling regularly. This improved mental health can bolster your spiritual journey as well.

A deeper sense of spiritual awakening

Writing prompts in consciousness journaling helps to bring deeper levels of spiritual awakening and personal growth.

As you document and recognize the patterns in your life, you can become more aware of how to use your spiritual energy and move beyond limiting your mental beliefs.

Through this level of self-exploration, you can gain a greater understanding of yourself and the unseen world around you.


Tips for spiritual journaling

  1. Find a quiet space: It is important to find a quiet place where you can write without interruption and distractions.
  2. Set an intention: Before you start writing, set the intention of what you want to explore in your spiritual journaling practice.
  3. Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings: As you are writing, be mindful of the thoughts and feelings that come up.
  4. Write freely: Let your writing flow freely without censoring yourself.
  5. Reflect on what you wrote: After you are done writing, take some time to reflect on your journal entries and how they relate to your spiritual journey and personal growth.
  6. Set aside time for spiritual journaling: Regularly set aside time for your spiritual journaling practice. This can help to deepen your connection and awareness of the divine.
  7. Let go of perfectionism: There is no right or wrong way to do spiritual journaling, so let go of perfectionism and be open to the journey it takes you on.


Can journaling be a spiritual practice?

Yes, journaling offers a powerful way to make journaling a spiritual practice. It allows you to connect with the divine and your inner self. By setting aside time to journal, often as the first thing you do each day, you create a sacred space for reflection and communication with the divine. 


It can help you feel less overwhelmed and find comfort outside your comfort zone, making journaling a key part of your daily spiritual routine.


Why keep a spiritual journal?

Keeping a spiritual journal is the best way to document your spiritual journey over the years. It allows you to track your growth, celebrate milestones, and navigate through traumatic experiences. 


It helps you connect with your faith, serving as a source of strength and guidance. Through your journal, you can access the still small voice, which offers insights and wisdom, aiding you in understanding your feelings today and providing a sense of purpose.


Why is journaling so powerful?

Journaling is powerful because it helps us tap into our inner thoughts and emotions. By writing in a first-person, relatable manner, we can express ourselves honestly and process complex feelings, making sense of traumatic experiences and finding healing. 


Journaling offers a big difference by enabling us to confront our emotions, release pent-up stress, and discover our small voice of wisdom, which often gets drowned out in the chaos of daily activities.

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Can Christians keep a dream journal?

Absolutely, Christians can keep a dream journal. Dream journaling allows Christians to explore their dreams for spiritual insights. Dreams are mentioned in the Bible as a way God communicates with individuals. 


Documenting dreams can help you discern potential messages from the divine, making dream journaling a powerful tool for connecting with one’s faith and exploring the still small voice within.


How does a journal help the soul?

A journal helps the soul by providing a safe space for self-expression and reflection. It allows you to process and release emotional burdens, making a big difference in your mental and spiritual well-being


Writing daily or as the first thing in the morning can help you connect with the still small voice within, offering insights and guidance. In this way, a journal becomes a key part of nurturing your soul, helping you feel less overwhelmed and more at peace.


What is the power of journaling manifestation?

Journaling manifestation involves setting intentions and goals in your journal, and creating a clear vision for your future. It is a powerful practice that helps you focus on what you want to achieve and visualize it in a relatable manner. 


By writing down your desires and working toward them, journaling manifestation helps you manifest your dreams into reality, making it a key part of personal growth and transformation. 

It is a practice that harnesses the power of the mind and the still small voice within to bring your aspirations to life.


20 Spiritual journaling prompts to help you get started

  1. How does my faith shape my life?
  2. What areas of my life need improvement to bring me closer to God?
  3. How has my spiritual journey changed over time?
  4. What are some ways I can spiritually practice self-care?
  5. What is the most meaningful lesson I’ve learned about faith?
  6. What do I need to let go of to move forward in my spiritual journey?
  7. How can I deepen my connection with God?
  8. How has prayer impacted my life?
  9. What small steps can I take today to live a more spiritual life?
  10. What do I need to forgive myself for to move forward?
  11. What are some of the blessings I’ve experienced in my life?
  12. How can I incorporate spiritual practices into my daily life?
  13. What is the meaning behind a difficult experience I’ve gone through?
  14. How does my faith give me strength during difficult times?
  15. What do I want to manifest in my life?
  16. How can I make a difference in the world with my spiritual beliefs?
  17. How have I grown as a person since starting my spiritual journey?
  18. What are some of the spiritual gifts I’ve been blessed with?
  19. How can I use my spiritual insight to be a better person?
  20. What do I need to learn to spiritually progress on this journey?


Bullet journal key symbols for Spiritual journaling

  1. ♾ = Recurring task
  2. ☼ = Goal/Affirmation
  3. ✫ = Reflection
  4. ⚡️ = Spiritual insight/Idea
  5. ❤️= Gratitude
  6. 🗓 = Future planning
  7. ⛰ = Inspiration and motivation
  8. 🐚= Healing and self-care
  9. ⭐ = Accomplishment
  10. ✍️= Journal entry
  11. 💛 = Praying and meditation
  12. ❇️ = Spiritual guidance/lesson
  13. ⚓ = Scripture reading/reference
  14. ☯= Balance and harmony
  15. ✨ = Creative expression
  16. 👁 = Deeper understanding
  17. 🎁 = Blessing or gift
  18. 🌻= Joy and celebration
  19. ♻️ = Reflection/review
  20. ☮️ = Peace and harmony


How to build a spiritual journaling habit.

  • Start small: Start by setting aside just 5-10 minutes per day for your spiritual journaling practice.
  • Make it a priority: Make sure to make your spiritual journaling habit a priority and keep it consistent.
  • Be flexible: Allow yourself to be flexible with your writing style and topics for each session.
  • Start on a blank journal: A fresh journal can be a great way to start your spiritual journey.
  • Schedule it: Incorporate spiritual journaling into your daily routine by scheduling set times for it each day.
  • Find inspiration: Find inspiration from spiritual figures, books, or nature and use that as fodder for your writing.
  • Write frequently: Write regularly and be consistent with your spiritual journaling practice.
  • Create a ritual: Create a special ritual or space for yourself when you do your spiritual journaling.
  • Use separate journals: Literally, write a few journals toward your spiritual goals.
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Spiritual journaling ideas.

  • Observe nature: Go for a walk in Nature and observe the wonders of creation.
  • Listen to music: Listen to uplifting and meditative music that lifts your spirit.
  • Connect with spiritual texts: Read and reflect on inspirational spiritual texts.
  • Do yoga or tai chi: Use yoga or tai chi to help you align your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Write poetry: Write a poem to express your feelings and thoughts on faith.
  • Draw or paint: Use art as a form of creative expression to explore spiritual themes.
  • Meditate: Take time to sit in stillness and meditate on the divine.
  • Pray: Pray to connect with the divine and deepen your faith.
  • Reflect on blessings: Reflect on all of the blessings in your life and be grateful.
  • Explore emotions: Explore your emotions and how they relate to spirituality.
  • Journal a conversation: Write out a conversation you have with God or a spiritual figure.
  • Let go: Take time to let go of any anger, resentment, or pain you may be feeling.
  • Look for signs: Pay attention and look for signs that are sent your way from the divine.
  • Create a vision board: Create a vision board with ideas, images, and affirmations related to spirituality.
  • Find joy: Look for moments of joy in the small things and celebrate them.
  • Connect with others: Connect with like-minded people to share ideas and experiences related to spiritual growth.


Types of spiritual journaling.

Several different types of spiritual journaling can help to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you. Examples include:

Christian journaling – Through prayer and contemplation, Christian journaling is a form of spiritual practice that seeks to grow deeper in an understanding of God’s love and purpose.

Buddhist journaling – Buddhist journaling involves reflecting on the teachings of the Buddha and finding ways to apply them to your daily events.

Yoga Journaling – This type of journaling involves reflecting on the journey of yoga, including physical and mental practices as well as how it relates to one’s spiritual path.

Meditation Journaling – This practice helps you to explore your innermost thoughts and feelings through writing about your experience with guided meditations.

Bible study journal – This form of spiritual journaling combines writing  sacred scripture and reading the Bible, helping to deepen your relationship with God.


Final words.

Consciousness journaling helps to provide a powerful way to explore your spiritual journey and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

This process of reflecting on experiences, feelings, and beliefs can help to bring clarity, insight, and awareness into your life.


By practicing regular spiritual journaling exercises, you may find that your connection to a higher power and yourself is strengthened.

In addition, spiritual journaling can promote forgiveness and compassion, inner peace, a sense of community, improved mental health, and a deeper sense of spiritual awakening.


By incorporating different types of spiritual journaling into your daily routine, you can deepen your connection with the world around you and experience greater self-growth and understanding.

There’s no right or wrong way to start, do it your own way and make it part of your daily practice. Start with a nice journal and begin your spiritual journey today!



  • Ben

    I'm Ben, a data engineer who adores journaling. My passion for recording life experiences inspired me to develop Otto's Journal, an online diary app. Join me as I blend data and storytelling in the ever-changing tech world, making journaling more accessible and exciting.

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