How Has Journaling Been Instrumental In Saving Life?

How Has Journaling Been Instrumental In Saving Life

Journaling has been used as a powerful tool to enable individuals to reflect on their thoughts and feelings to better understand themselves. In some cases, journaling can even help save lives. In this article, we will explore how journaling has been instrumental in saving life and discuss the reasons why.


How has journaling been instrumental in saving life?

Here is how journaling has been instrumental in saving life:

Mental illness

Journaling can help individuals recognize and address warning signs of mental illness. Writing about thoughts and feelings associated with depression, anxiety, or other issues can provide clarity and lead to self-awareness and improved mental well-being. This can allow someone to take action before their condition worsens or puts them in danger.



Writing can be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. Expressing one’s thoughts and feelings, whether positive or negative, can help individuals manage their emotions in a healthy manner. 

This may even prevent someone from engaging in harmful activities or behaviors that could put them in danger and save them from traumatic events.



Journaling can provide insights into who a person is and what their values are. Reflecting on experiences and thoughts can help someone gain a better understanding of themselves, which can be critical in making life-changing decisions.



Writing about a stressful or traumatic event can be beneficial for processing emotions associated with traumatic life events. 

This may help an individual to cope with the trauma of stressful events in a healthy way, as opposed to acting out in a potentially dangerous manner.



Writing about the loss of a loved one can help an individual work through their grief and come to terms with their feelings and help with emotional release. 

Related Post:  How To Start A Grateful Journal: Promtps Included

This may prevent someone from taking drastic actions due to the overwhelming emotional health problems of that traumatic event.


Conflict resolution

Research suggests that journaling can be used as a conflict resolution tool by allowing individuals to express themselves and clarify their thoughts. 

This can help someone better articulate their opinions in order to reach a mutually beneficial resolution.



Writing down one’s thoughts and feelings can provide an outlet for self-expression, which is important for personal growth and development. 

Not having this outlet could lead to negative emotions that may put someone in danger if they become too intense or overwhelming.


Life changes

Journaling can provide clarity on difficult everyday life decisions, such as whether or not to move out of state or switch careers. Reflecting on one’s thoughts and feelings may help someone make an informed decision that could potentially save their life.


Boundary setting

Writing down boundaries can be a powerful tool for protecting oneself from danger or harm. Setting boundaries can help an individual identify their limits and stick to them, preventing any potential danger.


Goal setting

Writing down goals can provide a source of motivation and inspiration. This may provide the necessary push for someone to reach their potential or take action that could prevent any dangerous situations from occurring.




How to start a life-saving journal?

Start small

Begin writing about experiences and topics that are not too difficult or emotionally taxing. This can help an individual become comfortable with the process before delving into deeper issues.


Set a routine

Designate a specific time for journaling regularly to ensure it becomes part of one’s daily routine. Having a set schedule will make it easier to stick with the process and avoid skipping days.

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Write without editing

Allow yourself to do expressive writing without worrying about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. This will make the process less stressful and prevent overthinking from getting in the way of self-expression.


Be honest

It’s important to be as truthful as possible when writing, as this will provide the most benefit. Expressing one’s true thoughts and feelings can lead to a greater understanding of oneself.


Let go

Don’t worry about making a mistake or getting something wrong. Writing is not meant to be perfect but instead should be used as an outlet for honest expression without fear of judgment.


Think positively

When you begin journaling, try not to focus solely on negative experiences and thoughts. Instead, take moments to reflect on the positives in life and express gratitude for what one has.


Take a break

If writing becomes too overwhelming or difficult since you have started journaling, it’s okay to take some time away from journaling in order to refocus and recenter oneself.


Keep it safe

When writing sensitive topics, it is important to ensure the journal is kept in a secure and safe place. This will prevent one from feeling vulnerable or exposed due to their writing being accessible to others.


Be gentle

Remember that journaling should be a therapeutic practice for self-care, self-reflection and understanding. Any thoughts or feelings expressed should be done so with care and kindness towards oneself.


20 Life-saving journal prompts

  • What is something I am grateful for today?
  • How do I want to be remembered?
  • What are two positive traits I possess that I’m proud of?
  • How can I be kinder to myself today?
  • Describe a moment when my life felt purposeful and fulfilling.
  • What are three things I can do to take care of my mental health and physical health?
  • How did I handle difficult feelings and situations with grace and resilience?
  • Describe the most meaningful part of my day today.
  • What positive changes have I made in my life that make me proud?
  • At what moments did I feel most connected to my inner self today?
  • How can I make it a priority to live a healthier and more fulfilling life?
  • What are some of the values that guide my life decisions?
  • What is one fear I have been able to overcome?
  • How do I want to be remembered after I’m gone?
  • How have I grown and changed for the better over the years?
  • What advice would I give my younger self if given the chance?
  • What do I want to accomplish before the end of this month/year/decade?
  • What makes me unique and special?
  • Who are the most important people in my life?
  • What is something I would like to learn or explore further this year?
Related Post:  Where Is Journaling Commonly Used?


Bottom Line

Journaling can be an incredibly powerful tool for self-reflection, understanding, and growth. By using journaling prompts or writing about experiences and emotions, individuals can gain insight into themselves that could ultimately save their life. 

Setting aside time for journaling each day can help make the process become part of one’s daily routine and provide a safe outlet for self-expression. With the right techniques and prompts, journaling can become a life-saving practice.



  • Ben

    I'm Ben, a data engineer who adores journaling. My passion for recording life experiences inspired me to develop Otto's Journal, an online diary app. Join me as I blend data and storytelling in the ever-changing tech world, making journaling more accessible and exciting.

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